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10 Things to Write About in Your Journal

Writer: Helen ColebrookHelen Colebrook

Keeping a Journal

One of the things I get asked about the most is what type of things I write about in my journal. This post will guide you through ten ideas for how you can fill those empty notebooks and really get the most out of your journaling routine.

1. The Day to Day Happenings of your Life

Daily Journal
Recording the Day to Day

Not every day is going to be full of exciting adventures, but over time you can create a really lovely record of the normal ups and downs of your daily life.

In the evening I spend 5 to 10 minutes reflecting on my day and making a few notes in my journal. I find it really rewarding, to look back through my entries and be reminded of the little moments that I might otherwise have forgotten.

2. Thoughts and Feelings

Creative Journal
Thoughts and feelings

Some days are great and some days aren't. Having a place to unload my feelings, process the difficult and celebrate the great does me the world of good. I use this journal to get creative and let my feelings flow.

I start with the creative elements, which helps me to relax and release my emotions through colour and art. I then add my journal writing, which varies in length, to get my thoughts onto paper.

3. Quotes Journal

Quotes Journal
Quotes Journal

Do you ever read a quote just at the right time? Or hear lyrics that instantly make you feel better? This is what I use my Quotes Journal for. When I see a quote or some lyrics that really speak to me, I take a minute to note them down.

Sometimes I choose to illustrate the quotes, sometimes I just write them down. I find it really beneficial to have my own personalised quotes journal, to look back through when I need a little guidance.

4. Things you Need to Get Done

Bullet Journal Daily Spread
Bullet Journal Task List

I love being organised! I like to stay on top of my tasks, organise projects and make sure I meet deadlines. This is where my bullet journal comes into its own.

Every evening I write out my tasks for the following day, review my progress and make sure that I am staying on track.

5. Your Hopes and Dreams / Vision Board

Vision Board
Vision Board

My journal is the perfect place to plan out my dream life. I let my thoughts go wild and try not to limit myself in any way. These pages inspire me to focus on what's important and take on projects that scare me.

You can find more information about creating a vision board and mapping out your dream life here.

6. A Gratitude Log

Gratitude Log
Gratitude Log

Keeping a gratitude log has been one of the most beneficial parts of my journaling routine. Every evening I write down at least one line about the things that I am grateful for. Not only is it a lovely topic to focus on, but I notice that I am far more quick to notice the good things around me during the day.

"The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see." - Mary Davis

7. Reasons to be Proud of Yourself

Bullet Journal
Reasons to be Proud

I started writing these pages when I realised how quick I was to criticise myself. I was forever comparing myself to others and feeling like I wasn't doing quite well enough.

I now make a conscious effort to offer myself a little praise every evening. I recognise the areas that I am doing well in and boost my own levels of self-esteem in the process. These pages have been a game changer and enabled me to treat myself with a far higher level of compassion.

8. Travel Journal

Travel Journal
Travel Journal

Any time you go traveling or have a special day out, it is well worth documenting in your journal. You can add photos, tickets and other memorabilia to remind you of where you went and the things you saw.

Even if you just pop out to a favourite cafe, it's worth keeping hold of the receipt or some packaging from your food to stick inside your journal. It really helps bring your pages to life.

9. Plan out Projects

KonMari Plan
KonMari Project Plan

Your journal can be a great place to plan out projects for work or home. I used mine to create a KonMari plan after being inspired by Marie Kondo's book. This gave me a place to plan out all the tasks and record my progress.

You could create a health and fitness plan, home renovations, books to read, college work or anything else that has multiple steps.

10. Review Your Progress

Bullet Journal
Review Your Progress

I find it really helpful to review my progress against big goals on a regular basis. The end of the year is an obvious time to do so, but I also complete a smaller review every three months.

It helps me to decide what is working for me and where I have gone slightly off track. This helps me to reset my intentions and learn from the experiences I have had.

Final Thoughts

I hope this post has helped inspire you to pick up your journal and start writing. There are so many things worth documenting and it's a hugely rewarding experience.

Free journal printables
Free printable

I have created a free printable that you can find here. You can use this as a quick reminder whenever you are looking for some inspiration.

Supplies I use:

Journals and covers from Start Bay Notebooks.

Pens and stationery from Cult Pens.

Vintage journal ephemera and watercolour paints from London Gifties.

Until next time, I hope you have lots of fun creating and documenting in your journal.

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